Create or update metric

To create a metric, leave out id or set it to 0. To edit a metric, leave the metric id in the payload.


  "datasetId": 992,
  "grainSeconds": 86400,

Below is a sample request body to create a template metric. As with the above non-template example, without a metricId will create a new metric. Leave in a metricId to update a metric.

    "scheduleFrequency": {
        "intervalType": "HOURS_TIME_INTERVAL_TYPE",
        "intervalValue": 6
    "thresholds": [
            "autoThreshold": {
                "bound": {
                    "boundType": "LOWER_BOUND_SIMPLE_BOUND_TYPE",
                    "value": -1.0
                "modelType": "UNDEFINED_THRESHOLD_MODEL_TYPE",
                "sensitivity": "AUTOTHRESHOLD_SENSITIVITY_WIDE"
            "autoThreshold": {
                "bound": {
                    "boundType": "UPPER_BOUND_SIMPLE_BOUND_TYPE",
                    "value": -1.0
                "modelType": "UNDEFINED_THRESHOLD_MODEL_TYPE",
                "sensitivity": "AUTOTHRESHOLD_SENSITIVITY_WIDE",
                "forecastValue": -1.0
    "warehouseId": 430,
    "datasetId": 435148,
    "metricType": {
        "templateMetric": {
            "templateId": 44,
            "aggregationType": "COUNT_AGGREGATION_TYPE"
    "parameters": [
            "key": "fk_column",
            "columnName": "metric_run_id"
            "key": "tgt_column",
            "stringValue": "id"
            "key": "tg_table",
            "stringValue": "metric_run"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!