JUMP TODatawatch.protoApiKeyServiceGet all Agent API KeysgetCreate an Agent API KeypostVerify an Agent API KeygetDelete an Agent API KeydeleteGet all Personal API KeysgetCreate a Personal API KeypostVerify a Personal API KeygetDelete a Personal API KeydeleteAgentServiceRetrieve the latest health status of all agent sourcesgetSynchronously ping all agent sources for their health statusgetGet the public key Bigeye currently has for the user's company AgentgetSet the public key Bigeye will use to encrypt messages to the user's company AgentputGet the public key the user's company Agent should use when sending messages to BigeyegetValidate that the agent is working for a given sourcegetCollectionServiceGet all collectionsgetCreate collectionpostGet all collection informationgetGet collection informationgetGet specific collectiongetDelete collectiondeleteEdit collectionputColumnServiceGet specified columnsgetGet columnspostGet applicable metric types for columngetCompanyServiceUpdate a companyputConfigServiceUpdate configsputGet configspostCustomRuleServiceCreate a custom rulepostGet all custom rules for a collectiongetRun a custom rulegetGet all custom rules for a warehousegetGet a custom rulegetDelete a custom ruledeleteUpdate a custom ruleputDashboardServiceGet dashboard data series for requested typespostGets last updated date for dashboard data seriespostDeltaService/api/v1/deltaspost/api/v1/deltasput/api/v1/deltas/bulkput/api/v1/deltas/fetchpost/api/v1/deltas/run/{deltaId}get/api/v1/deltas/{deltaId}get/api/v1/deltas/{deltaId}deleteFavoriteService/api/v1/favoritesget/api/v1/favoritespost/api/v1/favorites/bulkpost/api/v1/favorites/unfavoritepost/api/v1/favorites/unfavorite/bulkpostGroupServiceGet all groupsgetCreate a grouppostChange a group's access to workspacesputAdd or remove users to a groupputGet a groupgetDelete a groupdeleteUpdate a groupputIntegrationServiceGet integrationsgetCreate integrationpostGet single dbt job rungetGet single dbt jobgetGet single dbt projectgetGet dbt jobs for projectgetGet single Tableau workbookgetGet single integrationgetDelete integrationdeleteUpdate integrationputGet entities for integrationgetIssueServiceBatch update issuesputPerforms bulk issues updatesputGet issuespostGet issues summary by tablepostGet issuegetUpdate issueputLineageService/api/v1/lineage/integrations/{integrationId}/lineage/workflowpost/api/v1/lineage/nodespost/api/v1/lineage/nodes/{dataNodeId}get/api/v1/lineage/nodes/{dataNodeId}delete/api/v1/lineage/nodes/{dataNodeId}/downstream/fetchpost/api/v1/lineage/nodes/{dataNodeId}/relationshipsget/api/v1/lineage/nodes/{dataNodeId}/relationshipsdelete/api/v1/lineage/relationshipspost/api/v1/lineage/relationships/{lineageRelationshipId}get/api/v1/lineage/relationships/{lineageRelationshipId}delete/api/v1/lineage/sources/{sourceId}/lineage/workflowpostMetricTemplateServiceCreate or update a metric templatepostGet all metric templatespostGet single metric templategetDelete a metric templatedeleteMetricServiceSearch metric configurationgetCreate or update metricpostGet backfill statusgetBackfill metricpostBatch edit metricsputPerforms bulk metric updatesputPerforms bulk Delta updatesputGet count of metricsgetGet metric informationgetGet batch metric informationpostGet single metric informationgetGets the list of all metadata metric namesgetBatch run metricspostQueue batch run metrics. This is useful for batches that take a long time to run. Returns a WorkflowResponse, which contains a workflow_id. The status of the batch can be checked by using the /api/v1/workflows/{workflow_id}/status endpoint.postRun metricgetGet metric runspostGet metric scorecardpostGets the list of all table-level metric namesgetValidate a metric configurationgetGet metric configurationgetDelete metricdeleteGet metric revisions / history / timelinegetGet sample debug rows for debug pagegetGet queries for debug pagegetDeltasServiceGet info about the groups of a particular metric in a deltagetCreate a deltapostGet information about deltaspostRun a deltagetRetrieve a delta configurationgetDelete a deltadeleteGet list of metrics applicable for deltasgetQueryService/api/v1/query/countspostCatalogRebuildsService/api/v1/rebuilds/schemas/{schemaId}post/api/v1/rebuilds/sources/{sourceId}post/api/v1/rebuilds/tables/single-table/queuepostRoleServiceGet all rolesgetCreate a rolepostUpdate a roleputGet a rolegetDelete a roledeleteList the groups and users who have been granted a rolegetNamedScheduleServiceGet named schedulesgetCreate a named schedulepostDeleted a named scheduledeleteGet all entities using a given named schedulegetSchemaChangeService/api/v1/schema-changes/fetchpostSchemaServiceSearch schemasgetGet schemaspostGet dbt jobs for schemagetGet the region for a BigQuery schema (called dataset in BigQuery)getRemove the manual override of a region for a BigQuery schema (called dataset in BigQuery)deleteSet the region for a BigQuery schema (called dataset in BigQuery)putGet workflow for schemagetGet the current status for a workflow for a schemagetSourceServiceCreate or update sourcepostGet sourcespostSet the schemas that automatically get metadata metricspostValidate sourcepostGet single sourcegetDelete sourcedeleteGet workflow for sourcegetGet the current status for a workflow for a sourcegetTableServiceSearch tablesgetSet the date columns for a list of tablesputGet tablespostProfile a tablegetProfile a columngetGet list of metrics applicable to an entire table, filtered for only the ones that are valid for that table's warehousegetGet the date column information for a tablegetGet dbt jobs for tableget/api/v1/tables/{tableId}/required-partition-columndelete/api/v1/tables/{tableId}/required-partition-columnputSnooze tablepostUnsnooze tablepostGet workflow for tablegetGet the current status for a workflow for a tablegetTagService/api/v1/tagspost/api/v1/tags/bulkpost/api/v1/tags/untagpost/api/v1/tags/untag/bulkpost/api/v1/tags/{entityType}/{entityId}getUserServiceGet all usersgetInvite a new userpostDelete userspostGet a usergetUpdate user name and/or groupsputVirtualTableServiceGet all Virtual TablesgetCreate a Virtual TablepostGet Virtual TablespostGet a Virtual TablegetDelete Virtual TabledeleteUpdate a Virtual TableputWorkflowServiceGet the current status for a workflowgetWorkspaceServiceGet all workspacesgetCreate a workspacepostSet the default workspaceputGet a workspacegetDelete a workspacedeleteUpdate a workspaceputList the groups and users who can access a workspacegetCollectionV2ServiceGet all collection informationgetFetch paginated collection informationpostGet collection informationgetLineageV2ServiceCreate custom lineage edge between two nodespostBulk create custom lineage edgespostGet edgegetDelete custom lineage edgedeleteCreate custom lineage nodepostBulk create custom lineage nodespostGet lineage node by idgetDelete custom lineage nodedeleteGet lineage graph from a data nodegetWorkflowV2ServiceGet status for V2 workflow without runpostGet status for V2 workflow and runpostPowered by Get columnspost https://app.bigeye.com/api/v1/columns/fetch