Connect Microsoft SQL Server

Connect your Microsoft SQL Server source to Bigeye.

1. Create a SQL Server read-only user

Create a read-only user with table-level permissions that Bigeye can use to connect to SQL Server.

  1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and connect with credentials having ‘sa’ role permissions.
    Expand Security, right-click Logins, and select New Login.

  2. Enter a descriptive Login name, select SQL Server authentication, and enter a secure password. On the bottom of the page, select the database that Bigeye connects to as the Default database.

  3. Select the User Mapping tab, check the box next to the desired database, confirm that only ‘public’ is selected, and click OK.

  4. Click New Query and select the database to connect with Bigeye.

    Paste the following query into the query window and execute. Replace bigeye_read_only with the username of the user you created.

    SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON "' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '"."' + TABLE_NAME + '" TO "bigeye_read_only"' FROM information_schema.tables

  5. Select and copy the query results into the query window.
    Remove any tables or views that the bigeye_read_only user must not have access to.
    Execute the query.

  6. Next, grant view definition on the dbo schema. Copy the below query and execute it in SQL Server. Replace the username with the username you created earlier.

    GRANT VIEW DEFINITION ON SCHEMA :: dbo TO bigeye_read_only

You can now use these credentials to connect Bigeye to your database with read-only permissions on only the specified tables.

2. Allow Bigeye to connect to SQL Server from a local machine

There are a couple of configurations you must define to use Bigeye with a local SQL Server:

  1. Forward traffic from our external IP ( ) on port 1433 to the internal IP address of your desktop computer.
  2. Allow access to SQL Server via the Windows firewall. For more information, see Configure the Windows Firewall to allow SQL Server access.

3. Add SQL Server as a data source in Bigeye

On the Catalog page, click Add Source and select SQL Server from the Choose a data source section. Click Next to configure the connection to your database.

On the Configure source modal that opens, enter the following details:

Field NameDescription
AliasThe identifying name of the data source.
VendorSQL Server
HostnameThe name of the server that hosts your database.
PortThe default port is 1433.
DatabaseThe name of the database.
UsernameThe name of the dedicated user for Bigeye.
Active Directory DomainThe name of the active directory domain.
PasswordThe password of the Bigeye user.

4. Next Steps

After you've configured the source, Bigeye loads and profiles your tables. It can take up to 24 hours for the profiling to complete and your autometrics and autothresholds to populate. See how to deploy autometrics in the Getting Started guide.

Kerberos authentication

SQL Server now supports Kerberos authentication via agent, for more information, go to Keberos Authentication (agent only)