Power tools for your command line
The Bigeye-CLI enables you to manage your workspace at scale – refresh autometrics, edit and run metrics, setup and run deltas, and more. See our CLI documentation for more details, or run bigeye –help
from the command line.
This article covers how to get started with the Bigeye CLI.
Setting up your local/build environment
Mac with Pyenv
pyenv install 3.9.18
pyenv global 3.9.18
python3 -m venv bigeye_cli
source bigeye_cli/bin/activate
python -m pip install bigeye-cli
Most linux distributions include a default python distribution and we recommend using that default. (NOTE: The minimum python version for Bigeye CLI is 3.9)
Installing Bigeye-CLI
You can install the Bigeye-CLI from your command line with the following command:
pip3 install bigeye-cli
Install chocolately
Install python3.9 or greater and create a virtual environment to install Bigeye CLI
choco install python --version=3.9.18
python3 -m venv bigeye_cli
python -m pip install bigeye-cli
Install conda
Create environment with python3.9 or greater
conda create -n bigeye_cli python=3.9.18
conda activate bigeye_cli
Before using the Bigeye CLI, you will need to configure your Bigeye credentials and workspaces. You can do this in the following ways:
- Configuration Command
- Environment Variables
- Credentials and Configuration Files
Configuration Command
The quickest way to get started using the Bigeye CLI is to run the bigeye configure
command. This command will walk you through the options to establish default credentials and configurations for the Bigeye CLI.
$ bigeye configure
Using the bigeye configure command, there are two ways to authenticate: basic authentication and browser authentication.
Basic Authentication
If you select basic authentication, the CLI will prompt you to enter your Bigeye username and password. This will create a default credential file at ~/.bigeye/credentials. This credential will be used for all CLI commands
unless an environment variable is explicitly provided.
Browser Authentication
Alternatively, you can use browser authentication. Login to your bigeye workspace on a Chrome, Chromium or
Firefox browser. Run bigeye configure and select browser_auth when prompted in the CLI and follow the
instructions. If you use Chrome profiles, make sure to specify the profile email address you are logged into.
Note: your authentication will only be valid so long as your browser session is active.
Version Warning
bigeye configure
command along with all of the available multi-workspace configuration options described below requires bigeye-cli version 0.3.40 or greater. For bigeye-cli versions 0.3.34 and below, please use thebigeye credential
command to create either basic or browser authentication files. You can verify your version by runningbigeye --version
Environment Variables
You can create an environment variable for your workspace credential and configuration files, this is helpful if you would like to store your credential and configuration files some place other than their default locations (~/.bigeye). You can do this by adding the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file. Please review the format of these files in the below sections.
export BIGEYE_API_CRED_FILE=/some/path/to/credentials.ini
export BIGEYE_API_CONFIG_FILE=/some/path/to/config.ini
Credentials and Configuration Files
Lastly, if you want to specify the credential per command, you can always pass a -b parameter with the file path for the desired credential. You can pass a -c parameter with the file path for the desired configuration.
Sample credentials file:
base_url =
user = [email protected]
password = fakepassword1234
Sample configuration file:
workspace_id = 123
Configuration Options
The configuration files can help to simplify other CLI commands by defining common options in one file. See
the table below for the complete list of configuration options.
Key | Description | Type | Example |
workspace_id | The id for the workspace [Required] | Int | 123 |
use_default_credential | Whether or not a unique credential is required for this workspace. Default: True | Bool | True |
bigconfig_input_path | The path(s) to bigconfig files that are used for the given workspace. | List[strings] | path/bigconfig.yml,path2/bigconfig.yml |
bigconfig_output_path | The path used to output bigconfig PLAN reports and FIXME files. | String | output/bigconfig_reports/ |
bigconfig_strict_mode | API errors cause an exception if True. (Validation errors still cause an exception). Default: False | Bool | False |
bigconfig_auto_approve | Bigconfig applies should be allowed to run without excplit plan approvals. Default: False | Bool | False |
The configuration options above can be manually set directly in your config.ini files or you can utilize the below command to set the config values.
$ bigeye configure set <setting_key> <value> [OPTIONAL WORKSPACE]
$ bigeye configure set bigconfig_input_path path/bigconfig.yml,path2/bigconfig -w data-science
To view the current value of any specific configuration you can either open the config.ini file or utilize the below command.
$ bigeye configure get <setting_key> [OPTIONAL WORKSPACE]
$ bigeye configure get bigconfig_input_path -w data-science
Multi-Workspace Support
Multi-workspace support requires bigeye-cli version 0.3.40 or greater.
The credential and configuration files are designed to allow Bigeye CLI users to easily switch between their Bigeye workspaces. Each file enforces the idea of a DEFAULT
section. All subsequent CLI commands will inherit the properties defined in the DEFAULT
section unless they are directed otherwise. Every command in the Bigeye CLI has the ability to provide a --workspace
) option to override the use of the default workspace.
To setup a non-default workspace, run the following command:
$ bigeye configure -w data-science
Or, open up the files and manually edit them based on your setup. Here are some samples.
Sample configuration file with multiple workspaces:
workspace_id = 123
bigconfig_input_path = absolute_path/bigconfig.yml,absolute_path2/bigconfig.yml
bigconfig_output_path = absolute_path/output/
[workspace data-science]
workspace_id = 234
use_default_credential = True
bigconfig_input_path = absolute_path/ds/bigconfig.yml,absolute_path2/ds/bigconfig.yml
[workspace dev]
workspace_id = 100
use_default_credential = False
bigconfig_auto_approve = True
bigconfig_input_path = absolute_path/bigconfig.yml,absolute_path2/bigconfig.yml
Sample credentials file with multiple workspaces:
base_url =
user = [email protected]
password = fakepassword1234
base_url =
user = [email protected]
password = fakepassword1234
Note: Most use cases will only require you to have a single DEFAULT
credential that all workspaces can utilize. Running the bigeye configure -w <workspace-name>
command for a non-default workspace will prompt you to inherit the credentials from default or create a new set of credentials. A workspace credential is only required if the use_default_credential
setting is set to False in the configuration of the corresponding workspace.
The Bigeye-CLI enables you to manage your workspace at scale – refresh autometrics, edit and run metrics, setup and run deltas, and more. See our CLI documentation for more details, or run bigeye –help
from the command line.
Updated 14 days ago