Issue and Incident Descriptions
bigAI generates helps you quickly understand objects like Issues and Incidents.
Issue Descriptions
bigAI will generate English descriptions of Issues that can help responders quickly understand what the problem is, where it is originating from, how severe it is, and what they might need to do in order to resolve it.

Description generation can include:
- Metadata about the anomaly such as severity and duration
- Analysis of the underlying data the anomaly is detected on
- Analysis of upstream ETL jobs
- History of comments left on past issues
Descriptions can be regenerated if desired. They can also be manually edited directly.
Incident Descriptions
Similar to Issue descriptions, bigAI can generate Incident descriptions as well. It analyzes underlying metadata from all Issues included within the Incident. Adding or removing Issues from the Incident will trigger regeneration of the description.

Privacy and Security
Descriptions can contain sensitive information about the underlying data, for example if bigAI highlights that an anomaly is specifically present within a particular dimension of the data.
Users who have permission to view row-level data will see these detailed descriptions that may include row-level or cell-level data within them.
Users who do not have permission to view row-level data will see an alternative description that is generated without access to underlying data, and therefore cannot contain any sensitive information.
Updated 3 days ago