Connect Oracle

Connect your Oracle source to Bigeye.

1. Create a read-only user in Oracle

Bigeye only requires a read-only user for connecting to your database. Here is a sample for creating one, along with the permission to connect:

CREATE USER bigeye_read_only
IDENTIFIED BY <your_password_here>

GRANT CREATE SESSION to bigeye_read_only;

2. Grant select privileges to the schemas that Bigeye can access

  FOR x IN (SELECT  owner,object_name FROM dba_objects WHERE owner IN ('SCHEMA_1', 'SCHEMA_2', 'SCHEMA_N') and object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW'))
   EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON '||x.owner||'.'|| x.object_name ||' TO BIGEYE_READ_ONLY';

Note that

  • Since Bigeye uses multiple sessions during connection, ensure you have an appropriate number configured. For more information on sessions and how to alter them, read here.

  • You can enforce limits to database resources by creating a profile for the Bigeye user. Since connections can sit idle, enforce a low IDLE_TIME. For more information, read here.

  • If your Oracle instance is deployed in the cloud, allow Bigeye’s static IP, depending on your security settings.