Connect Oracle
Connect your Oracle source to Bigeye.
1. Create a read-only user in Oracle
Bigeye only requires a read-only user for connecting to your database. Here is a sample for creating one, along with the permission to connect:
CREATE USER bigeye_read_only
IDENTIFIED BY <your_password_here>
GRANT CREATE SESSION to bigeye_read_only;
2. Grant select privileges to the schemas that Bigeye can access
FOR x IN (SELECT owner,object_name FROM dba_objects WHERE owner IN ('SCHEMA_1', 'SCHEMA_2', 'SCHEMA_N') and object_type in ('TABLE','VIEW'))
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'GRANT SELECT ON '||x.owner||'.'|| x.object_name ||' TO BIGEYE_READ_ONLY';
Note that
Since Bigeye uses multiple sessions during connection, ensure you have an appropriate number configured. For more information on sessions and how to alter them, read here.
You can enforce limits to database resources by creating a profile for the Bigeye user. Since connections can sit idle, enforce a low IDLE_TIME. For more information, read here.
If your Oracle instance is deployed in the cloud, allow Bigeye’s static IP
, depending on your security settings.
Updated about 1 year ago