Agent Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[2.2.3] - 2025-02-19
- Fix Temporal logging default to disabled rather than enabled
- Fix missing Databricks driver
[2.2.2] - 2025-02-13
- Security updates
[2.2.1] - 2025-02-07
- Fix issue with SqlServer types not having a default for using kerberos. It now defaults to false.
[2.2.0] - 2025-02-06
- Add support for faster payload encryption algorithm
[2.1.0] - 2025-01-23
- Detail logging of agent activity start and end times, with concurrent in-progress activity tracking
[2.0.0] - 2025-01-15
- Improve efficiency for writing large payloads. This requires Bigeye version 2.0.0 (released on 2025-01-08) or later.
- Add support for Databricks metadata-based Freshness and Volume, once that feature is released in the Bigeye 2.2.0 release (2025-01-22).
- Security updates
[1.20.0] - 2024-12-09
- Add a configuration for custom jdbc properties to be added to the jdbc url.
- Update Snowflake schema query to only include schemas where USAGE has been granted
[1.19.1] - 2024-12-03
- Fix a bug where the connection pool was smaller than the concurrent activities, causing the pool to be exhausted
[1.19.0] - 2024-12-02
- Update to DB2 UDB connection string to allow column aliases to work
[1.18.1] - 2024-11-26
- OS security updates
[1.18.0] - 2024-11-15
- Disable Oracle FAN
[1.17.3] - 2024-10-11
- Upgrade to protobuf 25.5
- Upgrade to avro 1.11.4
[1.17.2] - 2024-08-26
- OS security updates
[1.17.1] - 2024-07-24
- Allow connections to Teradata using USEXVIEWS=ON in the jdbc url
[1.17.0] - 2024-07-22
- Allow connections to SQL Server warehouses via Kerberos authentication
[1.16.0] - 2024-07-18
- Teradata support
- Add ability to set the location for a crash log to be written
[1.15.0] - 2024-07-18
- Use new endpoint for large query results
[1.14.1] - 2024-07-16
- OS security updates
[1.14.0] - 2024-07-02
- Add support for using API Keys.
[1.13.4] - 2024-05-22
- Exit if OutOfMemoryError is encountered.
[1.13.3] - 2024-05-20
- Allow connections to databases with legacy bit 1024 RSA certs
- Update Athena jdbc driver to 2.1.1
[1.13.2] - 2024-04-09
- Additional system and java packaging security updates.
[1.13.1] - 2024-04-03
- Install latest operating system security patches
[1.13.0] - 2024-03-12
- Updated agent past commons-compress 1.25.0
[1.12.0] - 2024-03-06
- Updated agent start to continue if any configured source connects successfully, rather than requiring that all connect successfully
[1.11.0] - 2024-02-22
- Added support for using alternative Snowflake metadata tables.
[1.10.0] - 2024-01-26
- Updated to accept optional environment variables from docker for Bigeye creds.
[1.9.1] - 2024-01-17
- Updated OS packages to pull in the latest patches.
- Fixed an issue where a missing AWS region caused an error.
[1.9.0] - 2024-01-16
- Updated java packages to address security vulnerabilities
[1.8.0] - 2023-12-22
- Added note to agent.yaml to clarify snowflake connection properties
- Updated java packages to address security vulnerabilities
- Added company UUID format verification
[1.7.0] - 2023-12-08
- Update Snowflake JDBC driver version to 3.14.3
- Added support for using AWS IAM Roles instead of IAM User credentials.
- Added support for defaulting AWS Region based on AWS SDK default region provider chain.
[1.6.0] - 2023-11-29
- Change base OS to UBI8 to resolve OS level security CVEs
[1.5.0] - 2023-11-16
- Added signature verification on large agent payload endpoint
[1.4.0] - 2023-11-14
- Improve agent reliability by adding server side monitoring of agent uptime
[1.3.0] - 2023-11-08
- Added support for large agent payloads
- Added support for encrypting large agent payloads
- Updated to pull company UUID from the API rather than passing it in on the command line
[1.2.0] - 2023-11-03
- Added support for Db2
[1.1.5] - 2023-10-19
- Added support for RBAC workspace allow lists in config file
[1.1.4] - 2023-10-13
- Updated to be able to index Databricks instances by table rather than a whole schema at once
[1.1.3] - 2023-09-29
- Fixed an issue where Oracle LOBS were causing an error
[1.1.2] - 2023-09-13
- Fixed an issue where some Oracle tables would not get indexed
[1.1.1] - 2023-08-31
- Fixed an issue where connection pooling wasn't working properly in agent
[1.1.0] - 2023-08-17
- Update setup script to handle mTLS key exchange so agent install becomes self-service.
- Update setup script to pre-create user_ca directory and leave instructions on how to use it.
- Added a -f flag to setup script to allow cleanup of previous agent setup files
- Update agent startup to print additional debugging information to console
- Add additional data source type examples to agent.yaml
[1.0.6] - 2023-07-10
- Add support for using custom CA trust certificates.
[1.0.5] - 2023-06-26
- Added namespace to the configuration. This should default to the correct value (default in most cases, others handled), but can be overridden in agent.yaml as necessary
[1.0.4] - 2023-05-22
- Add healthLoggerEnabled flag to log an agent health check (currently it just prints OK)
- agent.yaml template updated to include AWS Secrets manager example
- agent.yaml and docker-compose.yaml updated to include better environment variable examples
[1.0.3] - 2023-05-15
- "logQueries: false" has been added to the agent.yaml that gets generated during agent setup. This can also be added manually to existing agent.yamls. Setting this to true will cause the agent to print all queries being executed to the docker console logs. This is useful for debugging (not recommended for production).
- Update agent.yaml template to include an example of all support DB types (ie postgres, synapse, etc)
- Fix NPE when agent source type is set to synapse
[1.0.2] - 2023-05-04
- Support using public CA certificates for Temporal mTLS
- Add SAP HANA sample config to agent.yaml (#7474) (SRE-1706)
- Use quotes around password field in agent.yaml examples so special characters are handled properly. (#7474) (SRE-1706)
[1.0.1] - 2023-05-02
- Fix bug with SAP Hana driver not liking Java 9+ by creating a Multi-Release shadowjar (#7442) (SRE-1707)
[1.0.0] - 2023-02-28
- Initial Agent release
Updated 3 days ago